5 Essential Search Engine Optimization Techniques

Don't waste money and resources by inventing the wheel on your own. Back in the day the static webpage would be crawled, assessed for it's content and relevancy and ranked for certain keywords. However, a user has a different point of interest.

In order to achieve anything in business, you need to have a plan, or strategy, and follow that plan through to the end. No matter what you are trying to accomplish, you need to have a plan to guide you.

Right now, the digital marketing landscape has much in common with the wild west. Everywhere you look, there are untamed, unexplored markets, and newly discovered ways to monetize human desires and behavior. There are also plenty of snake oil sellers who profit on confusion, digital clutter and greed. Don't be impressed by buzzwords and keep a grip on your wallet. But when you need to, pay up. Don't waste money and resources by inventing the wheel on your own.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of studying the search engines in an effort to determine how to get your web site to rank high on user searches. Depending on the statistical information reviewed, search engines account for over 80% of the visitor traffic to web sites.

All right, you've been patient. Here are the essentials of what you need to know about WHAT search engine optimization is all about and then I'll get to the "HOW TO's" in just a minute. Let's walk before sprinting into uncharted territory.

As a business owner there just aren't enough hours in the day to check out every brand spanking new idea, phenomenon, and shiny new marketing technique that comes around the pike. However, the fact of the matter is... in today's business arena, it's simply impossible for one person to carry out all the tasks that are required to stay in business today. So it may be time to face up to the fact that social media marketing is here to stay, and outsourcing it is the way to go.

12-14 - "C" - There is a difference between a marketing agency and an online marketing agency. Just because your agency may be good at marketing your business physically, doesn't mean they know how to effectively market it online. You may want to consider hiring an agency that understands effective online marketing strategies.

If you include a picture inside your content online, make read more sure you have the keyword listed as the alt text. If you are in word press and you upload a picture this will be the second box down. Simply put the keyword inside of that second box listed as alt keyword and you will increase the score of your on site search engine optimization. These eight tips will help you achieve an incredibly high-ranking on-site search engine optimization score.

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